Thursday 27 August 2020

Baron Samedi Inspired Jewelry - A Glance at the Spiritual Significance

 The mysterious and mystical religion of Voodoo has long been an inspiration for a variety of creative works. Baron Samedi, in particular, is often used as jewelry pieces like earrings and necklaces. If you’re looking to add some edge to your jewelry collection, this shadow skeleton is the perfect addition. But before you start your search, learn a little bit about the backstory behind the Baron, and what makes him so significant in the Voodoo religion.

Who is Baron Samedi?

Baron Samedi is the Loa of the Dead, a tall, black and lanky man who is described as bony with a skull-like face. His nostrils are filled with cotton as if he were prepared for burial. He wears a black top hat, a tuxedo, and holds a cigar and a glass of his favorite rum in his skeletal hands. Rowdy, rude but also charming at the same time.

Baron Samedi

It is believed that Baron Samedi digs people's graves and meets them in the crossroads to escort them to the underworld with all of his underlings. He can also help people along their death or refuse to let them die if he doesn't feel like digging their graves. He holds the end in his hands! Voodoo men look to Baron Samedi at the brink of their demise.

Baron Samedi comes in several names and forms. Some of his names include Baron Saturday (westernized name) as Samedi is French for Saturday. He is popular for spellwork in hoodoo. Other popular names include Bawon, Samedi and Bawon Samedi.

Spiritual Significance of Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi is an integral part of the spiritual realm. He holds the end of all beings and carries them to the next life. It is also believed that Baron Samedi is responsible for ensuring that buried corpses are properly decomposed in their graves, so they do not return to life as zombies. 

Baron Samedi

 Baron Samedi is a deity who is depicted as menacing and negative. He can be your guardian as well as demon depending upon his mood and your luck on the day you meet him. Besides being the Loa of death and resurrection, he is also considered to be the deity of sex. His hallmarks are obscenity and depravity and is always depicted with sexual symbols.

Baron Samedi also helps the recently deceased to cross over in peace. He helps those in life as well as those that reach the afterlife. Sex also depicts new beginnings including love, life and peace; that is why for Baron, sex is the ultimate new beginning. Baron also loves children, so he goes out of his way to defend and protect them.

The more you learn about the Baron, the more alluring he becomes. Wear him with you as jewelry and he’ll probably reward you for sharing his stories.


Porter Lyons offers Baron Samedi earrings that are cult classics! These voodoo inspired earrings will leave you turning heads. For more details visit

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