Friday 20 August 2021

Threader Earrings - A Comfortable Yet Elegant Piece of Jewelry

Are you looking for some stylish, fabulous earring options? How about threader earrings? Threader earrings are one of the most elegant earrings designed for pierced ears. Unlike the traditional earrings like latch back and dangle with alternative screws or lever backs, threader earrings blend modern design aesthetics with elegance, comfort, and style. This amalgamation has made these earrings one of the must-have accessory pieces of today.

What are Threader Earrings?

Threader earrings are also known as pull-through earrings, are jewelry pieces that are designed to be threaded through your earlobe piercing and hence do not require any other fixings for securing them in place. These jewelry pieces are elegant, refined, and sophisticated in every way and therefore have become the latest trend and must-have fashion accessory for your jewelry collection.

Mini Sun Threader Stud

While some threader earrings are made of an extended hook of ultra-thin gold, silver, or another alloy, other threader earrings feature a delicate chain attached to a metal post. Threader earrings are inserted through the hole in the earlobe and modified so that the metal chain or hook dangles behind the earlobe and in front. The best part of threader earrings is that these jewelry pieces compliment just about every outfit and are lightweight as well.

How to Wear Threader Earrings?

Usually, the conventional earrings have a fiddly screw on their backs, latches, or wires that fit into holed to secure in place. But in the case of threader earrings, these pieces are directly inserted through the pierced hole in the earlobe. Isn't that easy?

The delicate chain or hook is inserted through your earlobe, piercing and threaded so that it dangles behind your earlobe. The decorative part of the earring gets displayed in front of your earlobe, making it look more elegant and classy.

Open Curve Three Diamond Threader Stud

If you are wearing threader earrings with a chain and post, then make sure to push the post into the hole in your earlobe gently. And when it is halfway through, grasp the post gently from behind your earlobe and pull it through. Next, raise the chain portion so that it remains in line with the piercing making it easier to slide through the opening. Finally, when the chain is halfway through, let go of the post. You will have half of the chain portion behind the earlobe while the decorative part is dangling in front.

Why Wear Threader Earrings?

  • If you are looking for comfort, style, and elegance altogether in earrings, look no other than threader earrings. These pieces are super lightweight, easy to wear, and highly comfortable.
  • The threader earrings are designed in such a way that it compliments all types of face shapes. The long hooks and dangles balance out the proportions of facial features well.
  • The threader earrings are suitable for any age! So whether you are a mature lady looking for highly fashionable earrings or someone looking for comfy casual earrings, threader earrings are your best bet.

Besides threader earrings, there are pave earrings that make an ideal jewelry piece for today's fashionable generation!


Porter Lyons carries a wide selection of threader earrings and pave earrings that are ideal for all styles. To know more, visit

Tuesday 10 August 2021

What Are The Different Meanings Of Pinky Rings

The term Pinky finger comes from pink, a Dutch word that entails ‘small finger.’ However, irrespective of its size, the pinky has big bona fides. It depicts a world of meanings from violence to sensuality, and these shades of meaning have transformed & merged over the years.

So what does a pinky ring mean & why do people wear them? Well, it depends on gender & period, so let’s explore.

Family status:

Primarily, men of high stature wear pinky rings. It had a figurine of the family crest on it & could be employed to seal letters & sign documents. So the signet ring on your left pinky finger declared to the world that your family had massive wealth & potentially royal ancestry.

Pinky Rings

Marital status:

Women wore traditional engagement rings and wedding rings on their left fingers. So it is thanks to the so-called vena amoris that was supposed to head to her heart. But when men wore wedding rings, they wore them on their left pinky finger, below their signet rings.

So, yes, back in the old days, men could put their rings without ineludibly being labeled dandies. Prince Leopold wore his wedding band on his left pinky. And even Prince Charles, first in line to the UK throne, wears his wedding ring on his left pinky.

Non-marital status:

If the ring finger designates marital, passionate love, the little finger depicts erotic self-love. It is why several suffragettes & first-wave feminists began wearing them in the 1920s & 1930s – formerly predominantly worn by men. But even before modern times, ladies who wanted to stay single wore pinky rings. It announced their reluctance to marry.

Sexual status:

It may look like a stereotype, but gay men wore pinky rings as a superficial sign of their sexual identity for a long time. They also employed other indicators, for example, piercing their right ear or piercing both ears.

pinky rings

Nowadays, numerous women wear pinky rings to show their sexual freedom & exhibit their liberation from traditional relationships, even if they are straight.

Fashion status:

Pinky rings on both men & women exhibit individuality and personal style. Genuine pinky rings for women have the same outer line as men’s rings. At present, the ring is about fashion boldness. Men can match the gemstones in their pinky rings with other accessories. For example, it could accent the colour of their shirt or the gemstones in their cufflinks.

To buy authentic Pinky Rings online, visit Porter Lyons now! You can wear our pinky rings with other rings or alone.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Second Hole Piercing - Things to Know!

Are you thinking of getting your second piercing? Or maybe third? Looking for some stylish and trendy double hole earrings? Want to know more about these piercings? Look at the ideas and  terms of pros and cons regarding the placement of your second lobe piercings.

Names and Position(s) of Second Ear Piercing

First, second, and third lobe piercings are standard lobe piercings, and there are no such strict rules for lobe piercings. While some people look for symmetry using equal spacing, others look for an asymmetric look, for example, one in the lobe and four in succession further up the ear. Also, there are emerging lobe piercing trends like double vertical or stacked piercings where the piercings are stacked vertically.

Diamond Duo Stud

Another trend that is getting popular nowadays is ear constellations, where the piercing is done at three points in the lobe to create a triangle shape. It helps you get a clear idea about the final look for ensuring the correct placement. Make sure to consult with a professional to plan the look you desire. In general, your new piercing should be at least 8 mm away from your first piercing.

Pain and healing time

Usually, the pain for second lobe piercing is mild as there is no cartilage in the earlobes. Ear lobes are one of those body parts that get easily and quickly healed as these are soft and fleshy, taking only one to two months to heal. After this time, you can change your jewelry to any style you desire.

Diamond Trio Stud

What type of jewelry can you have for second and third-ear piercings?

Typically, surgical stainless steel in the gold coating. You can also go for rose gold and black coatings! If you have an allergy or sensitive skin, you can opt for titanium or Bioplast. Once your piercings heal completely, you can buy studs or rings as your second hole earrings. When it comes to double hole earrings, gold earrings are the best choice, especially the studs.

What is the right age to get seconds and thirds pierced?

It is always better to go for second and third piercing after the age of 16. However, if you are under 16, then you will need a parent or guardian to come with you to get your lobes pierced to sign a consent form and be present during the piercing procedure.

Now that you know all about second lobe piercing, start looking for stylish and trendy double hole earrings.


Porter Lyons provides some of the best collections of second hole earrings. For more information, visit

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Different Types of Helix Piercings


If you are a enjoy fashion and like to follow the latest trends, then you may know about helix piercings. Some top celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Scarlett Johansson, Cardi B, and Lily Allen are embracing this new piercing trend. However, if you are still unaware of this trend or want to know what the hype is about, then check out the post below:

What is a Helix Piercing?

A Helix piercing is a type of ear piercing in the area located anywhere on the upper ear cartilage. The location for helix piercing is quite unique as it allows for both studs and hoops to be worn. If you like a more unique piercing style and also like to experiment with piercings, then you can try a few together like double or triple helix piercings on the same ear.

Double Helix Earrings

Let’s take a look at the different ways to rock a helix piercing:

Single Helix Piercing

A single helix piercing is one of the most simple yet stylish ways of piercing in the upper area of your ear. The helix allows you to try a number of jewelry styles so if you want to be bold, you can use helix  earrings like climbers and spiral barbells to create a multiple piercing aesthetic.

Double Helix Piercing

Think two is better than one? Then a double helix piercing is something you’ll love. The best part about the helix area is that it offers a wide space for piercings! You can try out a variety of double helix earrings to add a unique and trendy style to your look.

Triple Helix Piercing

A double helix piercing offers a great look, but if you’re feeling adventurous, take a look at a triple helix piercing! It is an extremely stylish way to elevate your ear party. The triple helix piercing can look clean and dainty with small cartilage studs or you can also make it look extravagant with larger jewelry styles; it all depends on your tastes and preferences!

Choose the type of helix piercing you love and adorn it with stylish earrings from Porter Lyons!


Porter Lyons offers a wide selection of double helix earrings ranging from studs to barbells and more. Visit to browse more.

Monday 2 August 2021

Piercing Ears - Few Facts to Know

Are you getting your ear pierced? Is it for the first time? A new ear piercing can be a significant milestone, no matter what's your age or gender. Be it your first ear piercing or second or third; you must take proper care of your new piercings to help them heal safely.

There are a few questions that people often ask about ear piercings. Let us take a look at those questions and their answers below:

Piercing Earrings

Q: How long does a new piercing take for healing completely?

A: For a piercing in the earlobes, it may take about six weeks, and for cartilage piercings, it may take up to 12 weeks on average.

Q: How often must one clean their newly-pierced ears?

A: According to experts, they recommend cleaning the front and back of the newly pierced ears and old pierced earrings three times a day. But make sure to clean them with clean hands and a fresh cotton swab soaked in a good ear care solution to avoid any kind of infection. In addition, you can gently rotate your piercing earrings after applying an ear care solution to prevent the healing tissue from sticking to the post of your piercing earrings.

Q: How can one keep their pierced ears infection-free?

A: The most crucial advice is to keep your piercing clean. You must wash your hands well using soap and water before touching your new piercing or piercing stud earrings. After performing any sports or swimming, make sure to rinse your ears carefully and re-apply ear care solution. Besides that, you need to follow the aftercare instructions given by your piercer carefully.

Q: Can you change your earrings or take them out during the healing period?

A: No! You should not change your piercing earrings while the piercing is still in healing mode. Newly pierced ears are susceptible and need extra care and attention. Also, if you try to change or take out your piercing stud earrings for any length of time during the healing period, the holes might get closed, or it may become painful for you to re-insert earrings into the piercing hole that is still healing.

Q: When is it safe to change the piercing earrings?

A: You can switch to new piercing stud earrings after the healing period in 6 weeks for earlobe piercings and 12 weeks for cartilage piercings. For the first six months after your earlobe piercing has healed, you should go no more than 24 hours without earrings; otherwise, the piercing may close. In the case of cartilage piercings, you may need to wear an earring 24/7 for six months after your piercing heals else, it may get closed.


If you are looking for good-quality piercing earrings, consider Porter Lyons as your best bet. Visit to explore more.

Make a Style Statement with Diamond Station Bracelet

All fashion conscious women in this planet love to wear jewelleries made from diamond. Diamond jewelleries aren’t just limited to rings, n...