Wednesday 15 July 2020

Beginner’s Guide to All-Healing Amethyst

Amethyst has long been known for its meditative qualities and the birthstone for February babies.  But what mineral is it?  What are its metaphysical qualities? Where does it come from & why wear jewelry adorned with it? Grab your notebook, Lyons Den. We’re taking a deep dive into the magical world of Amethyst.

What is Amethyst?

In addition to being February’s birthstone, Amethyst is a violet shade of quartz.  It is known as the “all-healer stone” for its constant use in mediation and strength in stimulating the body and mind. Its name is derived from the ancient Greek word “methustos” – meaning intoxicated (which explains why we’re drunk in love with this stone!) Even for the new gemstone enthusiast, Amethyst is always easy to spot for its rich purple color, which came from the tears of Dionysus – the god of wine and revelry – in the world of Greek Mythology.

History of Amethyst

The history of Amethyst is as colorful as its hue. Amethyst symbolized royalty in the Middle Ages. The American National Association of Jewelers declared Amethyst as the official birthstone of February in the year 1912 — it is also believed this decision was inspired by the Romans who dedicated this month to Neptune, their water-god, and the water sign celebrated during this month (#aquariusseason). 

Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst 

The deep purple color of Amethyst stimulates the highest vibration of the Third Eye. It is also believed that placing an Amethyst stone directly over the Third Eye area accompanies a serene meditative state that stills conscious thoughts and guides the mind towards deeper knowledge. The energy of this stone encourages us to surrender to our true self, enhancing our creativity, passion and connecting us to the Universe’s higher powers.

Holding a single Amethyst crystal in your hand during medit

ation helps relax the system and increase awareness as it soaks the Amethyst’s energy into the body. Large Amethyst clusters, like our Birth of a Nebula Cluster and Dark Star Specimen, are ideal for your home to promote a sense of overall clarity and calm in your space. 

When you wear Amethyst as a necklace or set of earrings, it strengthens your crown chakra, allowing a more calm state in your everyday.  We always have a few special amethyst jewelry designs in our line up due to the wonderful metaphysical properties it carries.  Add any of these pieces to your daily ritual for added serenity; Amethyst Point Earrings, Mini Amethyst Studs & Amethyst Cord Necklace

Conclusion:Porter Lyons is a bohemian luxury jewelry designer with a store in the heart of New Orleans that carries authentic and certified fine and high fashion jewelry pieces. You can find the most genuine Amethyst jewelry online and in-store. For more details visit

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