Monday 28 September 2020

Tips for Buying The Best Engagement Ring at the Best Price

Are you all set to get engaged to your soulmate? Looking for that perfect engagement ring? Choosing the right engagement ring is one of the most overwhelming parts of the entire process. It is essential to choose an engagement ring that makes your partner feel special and loved. If you are confused which ring to choose, then check out the following tips to help you buy the best engagement ring within your budget.

  • Consider the 4 C's, But Don’t Stress Over It

If you are looking for diamond engagement rings, then you need to consider these 4 characteristics: cut, clarity, carat and color. Make sure you choose a ring that has a well-cut diamond, as it sparkles much more than a sluggishly cut diamond. Also, look for the clarity i.e. the blemishes and inclusions, carat i.e. the weight of the diamond and its color as well. However, you shouldn’t base your decision only on the 4 C's – look for the ring that appeals to you the most.

Classic Solitaire Engagement Ring

  • Keep the Lifestyle of Your Partner in Mind While Choosing the Ring

While buying an engagement ring for your partner make sure to keep their lifestyle in mind. For instance, if your partner works more with their hands and stays active all day, then you should choose a ring that is practical for their day to day life. Also, keep their personal taste in mind as they are going to wear it all the time. You can also ask them about their taste or shop along with them.

  • Be Cautious While Online Shopping

The trend of online shopping is on the rise and jewelry shopping is no exception. However, while buying engagement rings online, you need to be more cautious as there are many fraudulent sites out there. Make sure to do your research about the website you are considering buying your custom engagement rings from! Buy only from reputable and reliable websites to avoid any hassle or fraud.

Oil Spill Pendant

The most important tip for buying engagement rings is to remember it is a symbol of eternal love between you and your soulmate. So keep the excitement on and buy an engagement ring that appeals to the both of you. You can look for custom engagement rings as well to make it unique, personal, and exciting. When you find the perfect engagement ring that fits your budget and is loved by you both, everything else will fall into place. You’ll know it when you see it!


Porter Lyons is a genuine online jewelry store that carries a wide collection of pieces including engagement rings. For more information or starting your custom engagement ring journey, visit

Saturday 19 September 2020

Why Wear an Evil Eye Ring?

The accessories you wear should always be a reflection of who you are and what you want to showcase to the people around you. Amongst the various accessories that can leave a distinct and lasting impression on others, the most attractive of them is the evil eye ring. Not only does it look amazing, but the evil eye ring also protects you all the time, like a shield. At Porter Lyons, you can purchase the evil eye rings in solid gold, with diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds.

The evil eye is a remnant from the dawn of civilization, traveling back to humanity’s most enduring and profound beliefs. But at every stage of history, the human race has relied on magical objects called amulets or talismans to aid them through life and protect them from the unknown.

Mini Evil Eye Pinky Ring

Evil Eye Ring Benefits

The evil eye ring is believed to protect the person wearing it from bad luck and evil spirits. Both the eye symbol –the talisman and amulet has dual capabilities of providing you with both power and protection. Wearing the evil eye jewelry as a symbol for good fortune or as a protection against negative energy is cultural solidarity amongst the believers.

At Porter Lyons, we have a large selection of evil eye rings. The multi-colored evil eye ring is believed to provide you with protection, strength, and vitality to guide and assist you with living harmoniously in this society.

Evil Eye Protector Ring

Evil Eye Ring Color Meaning

To some people, the color of evil eye jewelry is based on their preferences and likes, but for others, it holds specific spiritual meaning.

Blue: This traditional color symbolizes good karma, and positive energy like motivation, commitment, and protection against evil eyes.

Red: This is symbolized as the color of fire, which gives you increased strength, courage, and energy, protecting you, and giving the necessary strength to face the anxieties of life.

Orange: The color is associated with creativity and increased happiness, helping you to connect with your playful side.

Evil Eye Protector Ring

Gold/Yellow: The color of the sun symbolizes strength, energy, and positive power to overcome health obstacles, and providing you with greater concentration and focus.

Light Blue: The color of the sky symbolizes truth and widening your horizons, and provides direct protection against the evil eyes.

Purple: This is the color of divinity and it helps to remove obstacles and create balance in your life.

Green: The green color symbolizes earth and encourages you to live your life to the fullest by pursuing innovative ideas and succeeding through gratitude and balance.

Evil Eye Protector Ring

White: The white color symbolizes pureness and is associated with light, goodness, purity, and opportunities to start new ventures in life.

Pink: The calm and soothing color of pink protects friendship and encourages contentment and relaxation.

Protect yourself from the evil eye with an evil eye ring?

At Porter Lyons, we have a large selection of multi-colored rings with different variations of stones to suit all styles.

Browse our collection of evil eye rings here:

Saturday 12 September 2020

Understanding the Different Meanings of Snake-Inspired Jewelry Pieces

While most of us are afraid of snakes, that fear melts away when it comes to snake-inspired jewelry pieces. These pieces are not only stylish and edgy, but also have historical meanings associated with them. Let’s take a trip back in time to see where the allure comes from.

Snake Rada Ring

  • Snake Rings

Wearing a ring symbolizes many things depending on the finger you’re wearing it on. Since ancient civilizations, snake-shaped rings have been worn and loved by people around the world. These rings were previously made out of precious metals like gold and silver, so they were mostly worn by the richest elite. Depending on where you are in the world, snake jewelry has a variety of meaning from culture to culture. For instance, Queen Elizabeth offered a snake ring to her partner as a symbol of eternal love. Another meaning associated with the Ouroboros snake ring is that it offers internal harmony to the wearer. And in Eastern and Egyptian cultures, snake rings symbolized the frightening and dangerous aspect of the wearer; hence was worn by their most powerful leaders.

Snake Bangle Bracelets

  • Snake Bracelets

Just like snake rings, snake bracelets are a timeless part of human civilization. The oldest traces of wearing snake bracelets can be found in Ancient Egyptian culture and Mesopotamian Civilization. While the snake rings and necklaces have more spiritual aspects, the snake bracelet has more physical meaning that includes resistance and transformation, wisdom and strength along with agility.

Mississippi Snake Necklace

  • Snake Necklaces

Although snake necklaces aren't as common as snake bracelets and rings, still these jewelry pieces have strong symbolic and spiritual value, especially in Nordic countries. People wear these jewelry pieces in the form of amulets for protection against bad omens or for attracting the favors of a deity.

In Nordic culture, the snake is considered to be a powerful animal in the image of the mythical monsters Jörmungandr and Níðhöggr. In Nordic mythology, snake necklaces were worn as a symbol of protection against any attack on the wearer or their loved ones. While snake necklaces often represented the cunningness of the wearer, they are also the universal symbol of spiritual enlightenment, as it is believed to be the balance between two opposites i.e. heaven and earth, good and evil, and man and woman.


If you are looking for a snake necklace, ring, or bracelet, check out Porter Lyons for unique and eye-catching designs in all price ranges. For more details visit

Monday 7 September 2020

Know Your Zodiac Sign and Its Characteristics

Every zodiac sign has characteristics that are uniquely theirs. Astrology assigns every human being to a zodiac sign depending on their date of their birth, also called a sun sign. Looking for a Zodiac Necklace but not sure if you connect with your sign? Keep scrolling to find out your sign and its characteristics.


If you are born between March 21st and April 20th, then you belong to the Aries clan, also known as the Ram. Aries-born are said to be creative, insightful, and extremely adaptive to their surroundings. Impatience, spontaneity and strong-will are some of the dominant features of the Aries zodiac sign, along with fiery passion, loyalty, and a great sense of humor.

Zodiac Necklace


If your birthday falls between April 21st and May 21st, then you fall in the Taurus zodiac sign, AKA the Bull! Taurus signs are often associated with features like great stamina, strong will, and strength. Their stubborn nature makes the Taurus stand their ground throughout any argument. However, Taurus is sympathetic, loving, and appreciative as well. Practicality, efficiency, and patience are some of the other characteristics of this sign.


Does your birthday lie between May 22nd and June 21st? All signs point to Gemini! The features of this zodiac sign include adaptability, flexibility, and balance. They are also dual in nature and unpredictable while being affectionate, charismatic and supportive.

Zodiac Necklace


If your birth date falls between June 22nd and July 22nd, then you belong to Cancer zodiac sign, who are known to be traditional and conservative. Another shade of Cancer signs include aloofness – they enjoy being alone at times and do not like to be questioned about it. They can also be moody and fickle at times, but are the most loyal to family and friends.


People born between July 23rd and August 22nd fall under the Leo zodiac sign. Leos are known for their power and considered natural-born leaders while being highly vocal when it comes to their opinions. Other features of Leos include analyzing, head-strong, brave, intuitive, generous, sensitive and loving.


If you are born between August 23rd and September 23rd, then you fall under the Virgo zodiac sign. Virgos are known for their delightful conversations, charming nature, intuitiveness and are also great at getting information from others. They like to have a balanced life, or else they can get impatient and short-tempered.

Zodiac Necklace


Those who have birthdays between September 24th and October 23rd fall under the Libra zodiac sign. This sign is all about justice, balance, and stability. These people can go to extremes for maintaining balance but are also known for being caring and understanding.


Born between October 24th and November 22nd? Then you are a Scorpio. The characteristics of Scorpios include boldness, confidence, control, and focus. However, Scorpios can become withdrawn and secretive at times, but don’t worry, it only lasts for a little while.


If your birthday falls between November 23rd and December 21st, then you belong to the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Sagittarius is known for being energetic, patient, fierce, and loyal to their family and friends, but are often commitment-phobic when it comes to relationships.

Zodiac Necklace


Capricorns are the ones born between December 22nd and January 20th. They are known for being philosophical, intelligent, and systematic with organized behavior. They are also extremely patient and follow a step by step approach in life.


Is your birthday between January 21st and February 19th? Then you belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign! This sign is known for completing goals via unorthodox means while being the humanitarian of the zodiac. They are considered to be intelligent, loyal, and honest as well as artistic in nature. Their friendships come naturally due to their easy-going nature.


If you are born between February 20th and March 20th, then you are a Pisces. Low profile, trustworthiness, honesty, and selflessness are a few characteristics of these people. They are also overly cautious at times because they think everything through very deeply.


While we all fall under a particular zodiac sign, we are all connected by the sun and the stars, and keep characteristics that are uniquely ours. Discover high-quality quality zodiac necklaces in solid 14K gold for all signs with Porter Lyons. For more details visit

Thursday 3 September 2020

4 Cs to Consider While Buying Diamond Earrings


Is your lady’s birthday around the corner? If you’re stuck on what to get her, you can never go wrong with a classic pair of diamond earrings. After all, diamonds are a girl’s best friend! But, in order to scope out the best quality diamond earrings in your budget, you’ll need to take the 4 Cs into consideration. What are the 4 Cs? Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight. Let’s take a look.

Diamond Earrings


The face of a diamond looks like tiny mirrors that reflect what’s close to it. So, the color of metal in which the diamond is set will be reflected by it along with your skin, hair or anything nearby. The perceived color of the diamond is affected by these materials or factors. That is why buying an expensive colorless diamond isn’t as important. You can save money by choosing diamonds that are lower on the D to Z color scale.


Diamond Earrings

Spotting inclusions and blemishes on diamond earrings is relatively difficult, unless they are close enough to examine your ears. For this reason, the diamonds that are on the lower end of the clarity scale Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2) or Included  (I1 and I2) can be a great value for a pair of diamond earrings.


Diamond Earrings

If you’re shopping for diamond earrings, you’ll mostly likely want a pair that sparkle and pop. A brilliant cut facet provides the most sparkle, so we recommend looking for diamonds in this cutting style. If you decide to go with round brilliant cut diamonds, be sure to double check that they have excellent cut grades from GIA. It ensures that the diamond you have chosen has the symmetry, proportion and quality craftsmanship for delivering the sparkle you’re aiming for.

Diamond Earrings

Carat Weight

You can look for diamonds of 0.50 carat or more, depending on your budget. For saving money with little loss of quality, we recommend choosing diamonds that are just a few points below 0.50 ct, 0.75 ct or 1.00 ct. However, do not use the carat weight as your criterion for buying diamond earrings or any other diamond jewelry.

Choosing the perfect diamonds for your piece is a process, but keeping the 4 Cs in consideration ensures you’ll be buying exactly what you’re looking for. A classic pair of diamond earrings is always a good idea.


Discover some of the best quality and stylish diamond earrings with Porter Lyons. For more details visit

Make a Style Statement with Diamond Station Bracelet

All fashion conscious women in this planet love to wear jewelleries made from diamond. Diamond jewelleries aren’t just limited to rings, n...