Saturday 19 September 2020

Why Wear an Evil Eye Ring?

The accessories you wear should always be a reflection of who you are and what you want to showcase to the people around you. Amongst the various accessories that can leave a distinct and lasting impression on others, the most attractive of them is the evil eye ring. Not only does it look amazing, but the evil eye ring also protects you all the time, like a shield. At Porter Lyons, you can purchase the evil eye rings in solid gold, with diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds.

The evil eye is a remnant from the dawn of civilization, traveling back to humanity’s most enduring and profound beliefs. But at every stage of history, the human race has relied on magical objects called amulets or talismans to aid them through life and protect them from the unknown.

Mini Evil Eye Pinky Ring

Evil Eye Ring Benefits

The evil eye ring is believed to protect the person wearing it from bad luck and evil spirits. Both the eye symbol –the talisman and amulet has dual capabilities of providing you with both power and protection. Wearing the evil eye jewelry as a symbol for good fortune or as a protection against negative energy is cultural solidarity amongst the believers.

At Porter Lyons, we have a large selection of evil eye rings. The multi-colored evil eye ring is believed to provide you with protection, strength, and vitality to guide and assist you with living harmoniously in this society.

Evil Eye Protector Ring

Evil Eye Ring Color Meaning

To some people, the color of evil eye jewelry is based on their preferences and likes, but for others, it holds specific spiritual meaning.

Blue: This traditional color symbolizes good karma, and positive energy like motivation, commitment, and protection against evil eyes.

Red: This is symbolized as the color of fire, which gives you increased strength, courage, and energy, protecting you, and giving the necessary strength to face the anxieties of life.

Orange: The color is associated with creativity and increased happiness, helping you to connect with your playful side.

Evil Eye Protector Ring

Gold/Yellow: The color of the sun symbolizes strength, energy, and positive power to overcome health obstacles, and providing you with greater concentration and focus.

Light Blue: The color of the sky symbolizes truth and widening your horizons, and provides direct protection against the evil eyes.

Purple: This is the color of divinity and it helps to remove obstacles and create balance in your life.

Green: The green color symbolizes earth and encourages you to live your life to the fullest by pursuing innovative ideas and succeeding through gratitude and balance.

Evil Eye Protector Ring

White: The white color symbolizes pureness and is associated with light, goodness, purity, and opportunities to start new ventures in life.

Pink: The calm and soothing color of pink protects friendship and encourages contentment and relaxation.

Protect yourself from the evil eye with an evil eye ring?

At Porter Lyons, we have a large selection of multi-colored rings with different variations of stones to suit all styles.

Browse our collection of evil eye rings here:

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